Wool with the Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) certification comes from New Zealand, where mulesing is banned by law.
practice of mulesing is prohibited by law (mulesing is unfortunately a widespread practice in Australia and other countries to prevent parasitic infections in Merino sheep, and consists of the removal of the tail and part of the perianal tissue).
This environmental declaration is promoted by Textile Exchange, one of the most important international non-profit organisations for responsible and sustainable development in the textile sector, and guarantees that the wool comes from farms that protect the animal and the environment.


Specifically, this certification attests that the sheep and goats have been treated in accordance with their five freedoms, the standards that define the protection of farm animal welfare worldwide:
1. Freedom from hunger or thirst;
2. Freedom from discomfort;
3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease (including the prohibition of mulesing or violent shearing techniques);
4. Freedom to express most of their natural behaviour;
5. Freedom from fear and distress.


The Responsible Wool Sandard also certifies that breeders have observed best practices for protecting the breeding ground and reducing environmental impact, and ensures that traceability is maintained throughout the production process.

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